Alien Anyone Block Cause Directions Enquire Face Fall Gods Goes Heart Idols Immigrants Iniquity Inquire Israelite Lands Myself Over-against Prophet Puts Putteth Putting Separated Separates Separateth Sets Setteth Sin Sojourn Sojourners Sojourneth Stay Strange Stranger Strangers Stumbling Stumblingblock Stumbling-block Takes Taketh Taking Wicked Yet

14:7 The stranger - Every proselyte. I the Lord - He shall find by the answer, 'twas not the prophet, but God that answered: so dreadful, searching, and astonishing shall my answer be.

14:1-11 No outward form or reformation can be acceptable to God, so long as any idol possesses the heart; yet how many prefer their own devices and their own righteousness, to the way of salvation! Men's corruptions are idols in their hearts, and are of their own setting up; God will let them take their course. Sin renders the sinner odious in the eyes of the pure and holy God; and in his own eyes also, whenever conscience is awakened. Let us seek to be cleansed from the guilt and pollution of sins, in that fountain which the Lord has opened.

Block Enquire Face Heart House Idols Iniquity Inquire Israel Prophet Puts Putteth Separates Separateth Sojourn Sojourneth Stranger Strangers Stumbling Stumblingblock Stumbling-Block

Block Enquire Face Heart House Idols Iniquity Inquire Israel Prophet Puts Putteth Separates Separateth Sojourn Sojourneth Stranger Strangers Stumbling Stumblingblock Stumbling-Block