Cherub Cherubim Cherubims Cherubs Clothed Fire Forth Giveth Hands Lifteth Linen Ones Putteth Reached Receiveth Stretched Stretching Thereof Winged

10:7 One Cherub - One of the four. And took - As a servant that reaches what his master would have. Went out - Out of the temple.

10:1-7 The fire being taken from between the wheels, under the cherubim, ch. 1:13, seems to have signified the wrath of God to be executed upon Jerusalem. It intimated that the fire of Divine wrath, which kindles judgment upon a people, is just and holy; and in the great day, the earth, and all the works that are therein, will be burnt up.

Cherub Cherubim Cherubims Cherubs Clothed Fire Forth Hand Hands Linen Ones Putteth Reached Receiveth Stretched Stretching Thereof Winged

Cherub Cherubim Cherubims Cherubs Clothed Fire Forth Hand Hands Linen Ones Putteth Reached Receiveth Stretched Stretching Thereof Winged