Acacia Acacia-wood Altar Breadth Burned Burnt Burnt-offering Cubits Foursquare Four-square Height Hight Length Maketh Offering Offerings Shittim Square Thereof Wide Wood

38:1 The altar of burnt - offering - On this all their sacrifices were offered. Christ was himself the altar to his own sacrifice of atonement, and so he is to all our sacrifices of acknowledgment. We must have an eye to him in offering them, as God hath in accepting them.

38:1-8 In all ages of the church there have been some persons more devoted to God, more constant in their attendance upon his ordinances, and more willing to part even with lawful things, for his sake, than others. Some women, devoted to God and zealous for the tabernacle worship, expressed zeal by parting with their mirrors, which were polished plates of brass. Before the invention of looking-glasses, these served the same purposes.

Acacia Acacia-Wood Altar Breadth Burned Burnt Burnt-Offering Cubits Five Foursquare Four-Square Hard Height High Hight Length Maketh Offering Offerings Shittim Square Thereof Three Wide Wood

Acacia Acacia-Wood Altar Breadth Burned Burnt Burnt-Offering Cubits Five Foursquare Four-Square Hard Height High Hight Length Maketh Offering Offerings Shittim Square Thereof Three Wide Wood