Base Beaten Best Blossoms Bowls Branch Buds Bulbs Calyxes Candlestick Capitals Cups Flowerlike Flowers Gold Hammered Itself Knobs Knops Lampstand Lights Maketh Metal Piece Pillar Pure Shaft Support

37:17 This candlestick, which was not of wood overlaid with gold, but all beaten - work of pure gold only, signified that light of divine revelation with which God's church upon earth (which is his tabernacle among men) hath always been enlightened, being always supplied with fresh oil from Christ the good olive, Zech 4:2,3. The bible is a golden candlestick, it is of pure gold; from it light is diffused to every part of God's tabernacle, that by it the spiritual priests may see to do the service of his sanctuary. The candlestick has not only its bowls for necessary use, but its knops and flowers for ornament; many things which God saw fit to beautify his word with, which we can no more give a reason for than for these knops and flowers, and yet must be sure they wert added for good purpose. Let us bless God for this candlestick, have an eye to it continually, and dread the removal of it out of its place!

37:1-29 The making of the ark, and the furniture of the tabernacle. - In the furniture of the tabernacle were emblems of a spiritual and acceptable service. The incense represented the prayers of the saints. The sacrifice of the alter represented the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world. The golden pot with manna, or bread from heaven, the flesh of Jesus Christ, which he gave for the life of the world. The candlestick, with its lights, the teaching and enlightening of the Holy Spirit. The shew-bread represented that provision for those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, which the gospel, the ordinances and the sacraments of the house of prayer, abundantly bestow. The exactness of the workmen to their rule, should be followed by us; seeking for the influences of the Holy Spirit, that we may rejoice in and glorify God while in this world, and at length be with him for ever.

Base Beaten Best Blossoms Bowls Branch Buds Bulbs Calyxes Candlestick Capitals Cups Flowerlike Flowers Gold Hammered Itself Knobs Knops Lampstand Maketh Metal Piece Pillar Pure Shaft Support Work

Base Beaten Best Blossoms Bowls Branch Buds Bulbs Calyxes Candlestick Capitals Cups Flowerlike Flowers Gold Hammered Itself Knobs Knops Lampstand Maketh Metal Piece Pillar Pure Shaft Support Work