Aaron Age-during Bands Belts Bind Bonnets Bound Caps Consecrate Consecrated Dress Everlasting Gird Girded Girdle Girdles Hast Headbands Head-dresses Head-tires Holy Lasting Linen Office Ordain Order Ordinance Perpetual Priesthood Priests Priest's Round Sashes Sons Statute Theirs Thus Tie

29:1-37 Aaron and his sons were to be set apart for the priest's office, with ceremony and solemnity. Our Lord Jesus is the great High Priest of our profession, called of God to be so; anointed with the Spirit, whence he is called Messiah, the Christ; clothed with glory and beauty; sanctified by his own blood; made perfect, or consecrated through sufferings, Heb 2:10. All believers are spiritual priests, to offer spiritual sacrifices,

Aaron Bands Belts Bind Bonnets Bound Caps Consecrate Dress Everlasting Gird Girded Girdle Girdles Headbands Head-Dresses Head-Tires High Holy Lasting Office Ordain Order Ordinance Perpetual Priesthood Priests Priest's Round Sashes Statute Theirs Tie Way

Aaron Bands Belts Bind Bonnets Bound Caps Consecrate Dress Everlasting Gird Girded Girdle Girdles Headbands Head-Dresses Head-Tires High Holy Lasting Office Ordain Order Ordinance Perpetual Priesthood Priests Priest's Round Sashes Statute Theirs Tie Way