Branch Branches Bud Bulb Candlestick Capital Extending Knob Knop Lampstand Lamp-stand Pair Piece Proceed Project Six Third

25:31-40 The candlestick represents the light of God's word and Spirit, in and through Christ Jesus, afforded in this dark world to his believing people, to direct their worship and obedience, and to afford them consolations. The church is still dark, as the tabernacle was, in comparison with what it will be in heaven; but the word of God is a light shining in a dark place,

Branch Branches Bud Bulb Candlestick Extending First Knob Knop Lampstand Pair Piece Proceed Project Second Six Third

Branch Branches Bud Bulb Candlestick Extending First Knob Knop Lampstand Pair Piece Proceed Project Second Six Third