Animal Another's Beast Bull Causing Damage Dead Death Die Died Dies Dieth Divide Division Equally Exchanged Gore Halve Halved Hurt Hurts Injures Man's Money Neighbour Neighbour's Ox Price Sell Smite Sold Thereof

21:22-36 The cases here mentioned give rules of justice then, and still in use, for deciding similar matters. We are taught by these laws, that we must be very careful to do no wrong, either directly or indirectly. If we have done wrong, we must be very willing to make it good, and be desirous that nobody may lose by us.

Animal Another's Beast Bull Causing Damage Dead Death Die Died Dies Dieth Divide Division Equally Gore Halved Hurt Hurts Injures Live Money Neighbour Neighbour's Ox Price Sell Smite Sold Thereof

Animal Another's Beast Bull Causing Damage Dead Death Die Died Dies Dieth Divide Division Equally Gore Halved Hurt Hurts Injures Live Money Neighbour Neighbour's Ox Price Sell Smite Sold Thereof