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20:24 An altar of earth - It is meant of occasional altars, such as they reared in the wilderness before the tabernacle was erected, and afterwards upon special emergencies, for present use. They are appointed to make these very plain, either of earth or of unhewn stones. That they might not be tempted to think of a graven image, they must not so much as hew the stones into shape, that they made their altars of, but pile them up as they were in the rough. In all places where I record my name - Or where my name is recorded, that is, where I am worshipped in sincerity, I will come unto thee, and will bless thee.

20:22-26 Moses having entered into the thick darkness, God there spake in his hearing all that follows from hence to the end of chap. 23, which is mostly an exposition of the ten commandments. The laws in these verses relate to God's worship. The Israelites are assured of God's gracious acceptance of their devotions. Under the gospel, men are encouraged to pray every where, and wherever God's people meet in his name to worship him, he will be in the midst of them; there he will come unto them, and will bless them.

Altar Bless Burnt Burnt-Offerings Cattle Cause Earth Fellowship Goats Honored Memory Offering Offerings Oxen Peace Peace-Offerings Places Record Remembered Sacrifice Sheep Thereon Wherever

Altar Bless Burnt Burnt-Offerings Cattle Cause Earth Fellowship Goats Honored Memory Offering Offerings Oxen Peace Peace-Offerings Places Record Remembered Sacrifice Sheep Thereon Wherever