Animal Beast Beasts Birth Breaketh Cattle Death Egypt Firstborn First-born Hardly Heart Killed Letting Male Males Matrix Offered Offspring Open Openeth Opening Opens Pained Pass Pharaoh Price Ransom Redeem Refused Sacrifice Sacrificing Slay Slew Sons Stubborn Stubbornly Womb Yea

13:11-16 The firstlings of beast not used in sacrifice, were to be changed for others so used, or they were to be destroyed. Our souls are forfeited to God's justice, and unless ransomed by the sacrifice of Christ, will certainly perish. These institutions would continually remind them of their duty, to love and serve the Lord. In like manner, baptism and the Lord's supper, if explained and attended to, would remind us, and give us occasion to remind one another of our profession and duty.

Animal Beast Beasts Children Egypt Firstborn First-Born Hardly Killed Males Matrix Openeth Opens Pharaoh Redeem Sacrifice Slew Womb

Animal Beast Beasts Children Egypt Firstborn First-Born Hardly Killed Males Matrix Openeth Opens Pharaoh Redeem Sacrifice Slew Womb