Ashes Bitter Bitterly Clothes Cried Crieth Cry Crying Dust Forth Garments Haircloth Learned Loud Loudly Middle Midst Mordecai Mor'decai Perceived Pulling Putteth Rendeth Rent Robe Sackcloth Tore Town Wailed Wailing

4:1 Cry - To express his deep sense of the mischief coming upon his people. It was bravely done, thus publickly to espouse a just cause though it seemed to be a desperate one.

4:1-4 Mordecai avowed his relation to the Jews. Public calamities, that oppress the church of God, should affect our hearts more than any private affliction, and it is peculiarly distressing to occasion sufferings to others. God will keep those that are exposed to evil by the tenderness of their consciences.

Ashes Bitter Bitterly City Clothes Cried Cry Crying Dust Found Garments Haircloth Head Loudly Middle Midst Mordecai Mor'decai Perceived Pulling Rendeth Rent Robe Sackcloth Tore Wailed Wailing

Ashes Bitter Bitterly City Clothes Cried Cry Crying Dust Found Garments Haircloth Head Loudly Middle Midst Mordecai Mor'decai Perceived Pulling Rendeth Rent Robe Sackcloth Tore Wailed Wailing