Behalf Boldly Boldness Clear Fear Fearless Fearlessly Freedom Glad Gospel Hitherto Kept Mouth Mystery News Open Opening Order Outspoken Proclaim Secret Tidings Truths Utterance

6:19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me. He especially felt the need of the supplication of his own spiritual children. He was in bonds and enduring fiery trials.

That I may open my mouth boldly. Yet he does not desire prayers in behalf of his life or comfort, but for the gospel's sake, that though a prisoner he may still open his mouth boldly.

The mystery of the gospel. See notes on Ro 16:25 Eph 1:9 3:9.

6:19 By the opening my mouth - Removing every inward and every outward hinderance.

6:19-24 The gospel was a mystery till made known by Divine revelation; and it is the work of Christ's ministers to declare it. The best and most eminent ministers need the prayers of believers. Those particularly should be prayed for, who are exposed to great hardships and perils in their work. Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith. By peace, understand all manner of peace; peace with God, peace of conscience, peace among themselves. And the grace of the Spirit, producing faith and love, and every grace. These he desires for those in whom they were already begun. And all grace and blessings come to the saints from God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Grace, that is, the favour of God; and all good, spiritual and temporal, which is from it, is and shall be with all those who thus love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, and with them only.

Behalf Boldly Boldness Clear Fear Fearless Fearlessly Freedom Glad Good Gospel Hitherto Kept Mouth Mystery News Open Opening Outspoken Proclaim Secret Tidings Truths Utterance Whenever Word Words

Behalf Boldly Boldness Clear Fear Fearless Fearlessly Freedom Glad Good Gospel Hitherto Kept Mouth Mystery News Open Opening Outspoken Proclaim Secret Tidings Truths Utterance Whenever Word Words