TRUE Created Holiness Holy Kindness Likeness Nature Resemble Righteousness Self Truth Truthful

4:24 And that ye put on the new man, which {g} after God is created {h} in righteousness and {i} true holiness.

(g) After the image of God.

(h) The effect and end of the new creation.

(i) Not fake nor counterfeit.

4:24 That ye put on the new man. He who has a new mind within him is a new man. He who is born anew, of water and of the Spirit (Joh 3:5), is newly

created in righteousness and true holiness. This is still part of what they were taught (Eph 4:21). The new creation described took place at conversion.

4:24 The new man - Universal holiness. After - In the very image of God.

4:17-24 The apostle charged the Ephesians in the name and by the authority of the Lord Jesus, that having professed the gospel, they should not be as the unconverted Gentiles, who walked in vain fancies and carnal affections. Do not men, on every side, walk in the vanity of their minds? Must not we then urge the distinction between real and nominal Christians? They were void of all saving knowledge; they sat in darkness, and loved it rather than light. They had a dislike and hatred to a life of holiness, which is not only the way of life God requires and approves, and by which we live to him, but which has some likeness to God himself in his purity, righteousness, truth, and goodness. The truth of Christ appears in its beauty and power, when it appears as in Jesus. The corrupt nature is called a man; like the human body, it is of divers parts, supporting and strengthening one another. Sinful desires are deceitful lusts; they promise men happiness, but render them more miserable; and bring them to destruction, if not subdued and mortified. These therefore must be put off, as an old garment, a filthy garment; they must be subdued and mortified. But it is not enough to shake off corrupt principles; we must have gracious ones. By the new man, is meant the new nature, the new creature, directed by a new principle, even regenerating grace, enabling a man to lead a new life of righteousness and holiness. This is created, or brought forth by God's almighty power.

Better Created Holiness Holy Likeness Nature New Resemble Righteousness Self True. Truth Way

Better Created Holiness Holy Likeness Nature New Resemble Righteousness Self True. Truth Way