Adhering Aid Bodily Body Build Building Builds Causes Closely Compacted Connected Contributory Dependent Due Edifying Effectual Firmly Fitly Fitted Fitting Formed Framed Full Grows Growth Held Increase Increased Individual Itself Joined Joint Knit Ligament Link Love Makes Maketh Measure Power Proper Properly Proportioned Rightly Self-building Several Single Spirit Supplied Supplies Supplieth Supply Supporting United Upbuilds Various Working Works

4:16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the {u} effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh {x} increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in {y} love.

(u) Of Christ, who with regard to the soul, empowers all the members.

(x) Such increase as is fit for the body to have.

(y) Charity is the knitting of the limbs together.

4:16 From whom. The Head of the body, the church. He is the source of all life, power and growth in the body.

The whole body fitly joined together and compacted. The body of Christ, composed of many individuals, is one, like a building composed of many parts framed together.

By that which every joint supplieth. As in the body every joint and part does its work towards compacting the body into a harmonious whole, and towards its growth, so in the body of Christ every member deriving life from the Head is to work in his place, and harmoniously, for the increase of the body.

4:16 From whom the whole mystical body fitly joined together - All the parts being fitted for and adapted to each other, and most exactly harmonizing with the whole. And compacted - Knit and cemented together with the utmost firmness. Maketh increase by that which every joint supplieth - Or by the mutual help of every joint. According to the effectual working in the measure of every member - According as every member in its measure effectually works for the support and growth of the whole. A beautiful allusion to the human body, composed of different joints and members, knit together by various ligaments, and furnished with vessels of communication from the head to every part.

4:7-16 Unto every believer is given some gift of grace, for their mutual help. All is given as seems best to Christ to bestow upon every one. He received for them, that he might give to them, a large measure of gifts and graces; particularly the gift of the Holy Ghost. Not a mere head knowledge, or bare acknowledging Christ to be the Son of God, but such as brings trust and obedience. There is a fulness in Christ, and a measure of that fulness given in the counsel of God to every believer; but we never come to the perfect measure till we come to heaven. God's children are growing, as long as they are in this world; and the Christian's growth tends to the glory of Christ. The more a man finds himself drawn out to improve in his station, and according to his measure, all that he has received, to the spiritual good of others, he may the more certainly believe that he has the grace of sincere love and charity rooted in his heart.

Adhering Aid Body Build Building Closely Compacted Dependent Edifying Effectual Firmly Fitly Fitted Fitting Grows Increase Individual Itself Joined Joint Knit Love Makes Maketh Measure Need Part Parts Power Spirit Supplies Supplieth Together Various Whole Working

Adhering Aid Body Build Building Closely Compacted Dependent Edifying Effectual Firmly Fitly Fitted Fitting Grows Increase Individual Itself Joined Joint Knit Love Makes Maketh Measure Need Part Parts Power Spirit Supplies Supplieth Together Various Whole Working