Announce Christ Clear Entrusted Exhaustless Gentiles Glad God's Grace Graciously Least Less Nations News Preach Proclaim Riches Saints Though Tidings Unending Unfathomable Unsearchable Untraceable Wealth

3:8 Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints. A mighty trust granted to one so unworthy as he deems himself. He was ever humbled by remembering that he had been a persecutor. See 1Co 15:9 Php 3:6. Compare 1Ti 1:13 This grace, so glorious and so full of blessedness to the world, was the apostleship to the Gentiles. See Ga 2:7,8.

3:8 Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given - Here are the noblest strains of eloquence to paint the exceeding low opinion the apostle had of himself, and the fulness of unfathomable blessings which are treasured up in Christ.

3:8-12 Those whom God advances to honourable employments, he makes low in their own eyes; and where God gives grace to be humble, there he gives all other needful grace. How highly he speaks of Jesus Christ; the unsearchable riches of Christ! Though many are not enriched with these riches; yet how great a favour to have them preached among us, and to have an offer of them! And if we are not enriched with them it is our own fault. The first creation, when God made all things out of nothing, and the new creation, whereby sinners are made new creatures by converting grace, are of God by Jesus Christ. His riches are as unsearchable and as sure as ever, yet while angels adore the wisdom of God in the redemption of his church, the ignorance of self-wise and carnal men deems the whole to be foolishness.

Although Announce Christ Clear Entrusted Gentiles Glad God's Good Grace Graciously Least Nations News Preach Proclaim Riches Saints Tidings Unending Unfathomable Unsearchable Untraceable Wealth Work

Although Announce Christ Clear Entrusted Gentiles Glad God's Good Grace Graciously Least Nations News Preach Proclaim Riches Saints Tidings Unending Unfathomable Unsearchable Untraceable Wealth Work