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2:14 {12} For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition [between us];

(12) As by the ceremonies and worship appointed by the Law, the Jews were divided from the Gentiles, so now Christ, having broken down the partition wall, joins them both together, both in himself, and between themselves, and to God. From which it follows, that whoever permanently establishes the ceremonies of the Law, makes the grace of Christ void and of no effect.

2:14 For he is our peace. It is the Crucified Christ that brought you nigh, for he, he only, is our peace. The creator of peace between Jew and Gentile; between alienated man and God.

Who hath made both one. Jew and Gentile one. The old distinctions are destroyed. All are on the same footing before God.

And hath broken down the middle wall of partition [between us]. Having broken down, or ended, the law of Moses which built up a wall between the Jews and Gentiles.

2:14 For he is our peace - Not only as he purchased it, but as he is the very bond and centre of union. He who hath made both - Jews and gentiles, one church. The apostle describes, The conjunction of the gentiles with Israel, Eph 2:14,15. And, The conjunction of both with God, Eph 2:15 - 18. Each description is subdivided into two parts. And the former part of the one, concerning abolishing the enmity, answers the former part of the other; the latter part of the one, concerning the evangelical decrees, the latter part of the other. And hath broken down the middle wall of partition - Alluding to that wall of old, which separated the court of Israel from the court of the gentiles. Such a wall was the ceremonial law, which Christ had now taken away.

2:14-18 Jesus Christ made peace by the sacrifice of himself; in every sense Christ was their Peace, the author, centre, and substance of their being at peace with God, and of their union with the Jewish believers in one church. Through the person, sacrifice, and mediation of Christ, sinners are allowed to draw near to God as a Father, and are brought with acceptance into his presence, with their worship and services, under the teaching of the Holy Spirit, as one with the Father and the Son. Christ purchased leave for us to come to God; and the Spirit gives a heart to come, and strength to come, and then grace to serve God acceptably.

Barrier Break Broke Broken Destroyed Dividing Enclosure Gentiles Groups Hostile Hostility Human Jews Middle Nature Partition Peace Wall

Barrier Break Broke Broken Destroyed Dividing Enclosure Gentiles Groups Hostile Hostility Human Jews Middle Nature Partition Peace Wall