Beginning Better Gentle Haughtiness Haughty Latter Matter Patience Patient Pride Proud Spirit Start Thereof

7:8 Better [is] the {f} end of a thing than its beginning: [and] the patient in spirit [is] better than the proud in spirit.

(f) He notes their lightness who attempt a thing and suddenly leave it off again.

7:8 The end - The good or evil of things is better known by their end, than by their beginning. The patient - Who quietly waits for the issue of things. The proud - Which he puts instead of hasty or impatient, because pride is the chief cause of impatience.

7:7-10 The event of our trials and difficulties is often better than at first we thought. Surely it is better to be patient in spirit, than to be proud and hasty. Be not soon angry, nor quick in resenting an affront. Be not long angry; though anger may come into the bosom of a wise man, it passes through it as a way-faring man; it dwells only in the bosom of fools. It is folly to cry out upon the badness of our times, when we have more reason to cry out for the badness of our own hearts; and even in these times we enjoy many mercies. It is folly to cry up the goodness of former times; as if former ages had not the like things to complain of that we have: this arises from discontent, and aptness to quarrel with God himself.

Beginning Better End Gentle Haughtiness Haughty Latter Matter Patience Patient Pride Proud Spirit Start Thereof

Beginning Better End Gentle Haughtiness Haughty Latter Matter Patience Patient Pride Proud Spirit Start Thereof