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7:26 I find - By my own sad experience. Shall escape - Shall be prevented from falling into her hands.

7:23-29 Solomon, in his search into the nature and reason of things, had been miserably deluded. But he here speaks with godly sorrow. He alone who constantly aims to please God, can expect to escape; the careless sinner probably will fall to rise no more. He now discovered more than ever the evil of the great sin of which he had been guilty, the loving many strange women,

Bands Bitter Captured Caught Chains Death Discovered Ensnare Ensnared Escape Escapeth Find Finding Free Full Good Hands Heart Nets Pleased Pleases Pleaseth Pleasing Sinner Snare Snares Traps

Bands Bitter Captured Caught Chains Death Discovered Ensnare Ensnared Escape Escapeth Find Finding Free Full Good Hands Heart Nets Pleased Pleases Pleaseth Pleasing Sinner Snare Snares Traps