Chasing Gather Gathering Gives Happiness Heap Joy Meaningless Pleases Sinner Storing Task Travail Vanity Wealth Wind Wisdom

2:26 Wisdom - To direct him how to use his comforts aright; that so they may be blessings, and not curses to him. Joy - A thankful contented mind. To heap up - He giveth him up to insatiable desires, and wearisome labours, that he may leave it to others, yea to such as he least desired, to good and virtuous men.

2:18-26 Our hearts are very loth to quit their expectations of great things from the creature; but Solomon came to this at length. The world is a vale of tears, even to those that have much of it. See what fools they are, who make themselves drudges to the world, which affords a man nothing better than subsistence for the body. And the utmost he can attain in this respect is to allow himself a sober, cheerful use thereof, according to his rank and condition. But we must enjoy good in our labour; we must use those things to make us diligent and cheerful in worldly business. And this is the gift of God. Riches are a blessing or a curse to a man, according as he has, or has not, a heart to make a good use of them. To those that are accepted of the Lord, he gives joy and satisfaction in the knowledge and love of him. But to the sinner he allots labour, sorrow, vanity, and vexation, in seeking a worldly portion, which yet afterwards comes into better hands. Let the sinner seriously consider his latter end. To seek a lasting portion in the love of Christ and the blessings it bestows, is the only way to true and satisfying enjoyment even of this present world.

Amass Chasing Gather Gathering Gives God's Good Heap Joy Leave Pleases Sight Sinner Spirit Striving Task Toil Travail Vanity Vexation Wind Wisdom

Amass Chasing Gather Gathering Gives God's Good Heap Joy Leave Pleases Sight Sinner Spirit Striving Task Toil Travail Vanity Vexation Wind Wisdom