Able Beyond Ear Express Eye Fill Filled Full Hearing Labor Labour None Satisfied Seeing Speak Story Toil Utter Uttering Weariness Wearisome Wearying

1:8 All things - Not only the sun, and winds, and rivers, but all other creatures. Labour - They are in continual restlessness and change, never abiding in the same state. Is not satisfied - As there are many things in the world vexatious to men, so even those things which are comfortable, are not satisfactory, but men are constantly desiring some longer continuance or fuller enjoyment of them, or variety in them. The eye and ear are here put for all the senses, because these are most spiritual and refined, most curious and inquisitive, most capable of receiving satisfaction, and exercised with more ease and pleasure than the other senses.

1:4-8 All things change, and never rest. Man, after all his labour, is no nearer finding rest than the sun, the wind, or the current of the river. His soul will find no rest, if he has it not from God. The senses are soon tired, yet still craving what is untried.

Able Ear Enough Express Eye Fill Filled Full Hearing Labour Satisfied Story Toil Utter Uttering Weariness Wearisome Wearying

Able Ear Enough Express Eye Fill Filled Full Hearing Labour Satisfied Story Toil Utter Uttering Weariness Wearisome Wearying