Along Blowing Blows Circling Circuit Circuits Circular Continually Continues Course Courses Goes North Returned Returneth Returning Returns Round South Swirling Towards Turneth Turning Turns Whirleth Wind

1:6 The {e} wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about to the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to its circuits.

(e) By the sun, wind and rivers, he shows that the greatest labour and longest has an end, and therefore there can be no happiness in this world.

1:6 The wind - The wind also sometimes blows from one quarter of the world, and sometimes from another; successively returning to the same quarters in which it had formerly been.

1:4-8 All things change, and never rest. Man, after all his labour, is no nearer finding rest than the sun, the wind, or the current of the river. His soul will find no rest, if he has it not from God. The senses are soon tired, yet still craving what is untried.

Blowing Circling Circuit Circuits Circular Continually Continues Courses Goes North Returneth Returning Returns Round South Swirling Towards Turneth Turning Turns Whirleth Wind

Blowing Circling Circuit Circuits Circular Continually Continues Courses Goes North Returneth Returning Returns Round South Swirling Towards Turneth Turning Turns Whirleth Wind