Abandoned Esteemed Fat Filled Forsook Grew Grown Heavy Jeshurun Kicked Lightly Rejected Rock Salvation Savior Sleek Thick

32:15 {i} But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered [with fatness]; then he forsook God [which] made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation.

(i) He shows what is the principal end of our vocation.

32:15 Jeshurun - Israel whom he calls right or upright, (as the word signifies) partly by way of instruction to mind them what they professed and ought to be; and partly by way of exprobration, to shew them what a shame it was to degenerate so much from their name and profession. Kicked - As well fed cattle use to do: he grew insolent and rebellious against God and against his word and spirit.

32:15-18 Here are two instances of the wickedness of Israel, each was apostacy from God. These people were called Jeshurun, an upright people, so some; a seeing people, so others: but they soon lost the reputation both of their knowledge and of their righteousness. They indulged their appetites, as if they had nothing to do but to make provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts of it. Those who make a god of themselves, and a god of their bellies, in pride and wantonness, and cannot bear to be told of it, thereby forsake God, and show they esteem him lightly. There is but one way of a sinner's acceptance and sanctification, however different modes of irreligion, or false religion, may show that favourable regard for other ways, which is often miscalled candid. How mad are idolaters, who forsake the Rock of salvation, to run themselves upon the rock of perdition!

Abandoned Controlled Covered Esteemed Heavy Jeshurun Kicked Lightly Rock Salvation Scoffed Scorned Sleek Thick Wax Waxed Waxen

Abandoned Controlled Covered Esteemed Heavy Jeshurun Kicked Lightly Rock Salvation Scoffed Scorned Sleek Thick Wax Waxed Waxen