Apple Arms Barren Cared Caring Causeth Compassed Desert Encircled Eye Findeth Guarded Howling Instructed Keepeth Kept Led Preserved Pupil Putting Round Sand Shielded Surrounded Turneth Understand Unpeopled Void Waste Watched Wilderness

32:10 He found him - Not by chance, but as it were looking out and seeking for him. He did indeed manifest himself to him in Egypt, but it was in the wilderness at Sinai, God found him in an eminent manner, and revealed his will to him, and entered into covenant with him, and imparted himself and his grace and blessing to him. By this word he also signifies both their lost condition in themselves, and that their recovery was not from themselves, but only from God who sought and found them out by his grace. In the waste howling wilderness - In a place destitute of all the necessaries and comforts of life, which also was a type of that desolate and comfortless condition in which all men are before the grace of God finds them out; where instead of the voices of men, is nothing heard but the howlings and yellings of ravenous birds and beasts. He led them - He conducted them frons place to place by his cloudy pillar and providence. Or, he compassed him about, by his provident care, watching over him and preserving him on every side. As the apple of his eye - As men use to keep the apple of their eye, that is, with singular care and diligence, this being as a most tender, so a most useful part.

32:7-14 Moses gives particular instances of God's kindness and concern for them. The eagle's care for her young is a beautiful emblem of Christ's love, who came between Divine justice and our guilty souls, and bare our sins in his own body on the tree. And by the preached gospel, and the influences of the Holy Spirit, He stirs up and prevails upon sinners to leave Satan's bondage. In ver. 13,14, are emblems of the conquest believers have over their spiritual enemies, sin, Satan, and the world, in and through Christ. Also of their safety and triumph in him; of their happy frames of soul, when they are above the world, and the things of it. This will be the blessed case of spiritual Israel in every sense in the latter day.

Apple Arms Barren Cared Caring Causeth Compassed Desert Encircled Eye Howling Instructed Keepeth Kept Led Preserved Pupil Putting Round Sand Shielded Surrounded Turneth Understand Unpeopled Void Waste Watched Wilderness

Apple Arms Barren Cared Caring Causeth Compassed Desert Encircled Eye Howling Instructed Keepeth Kept Led Preserved Pupil Putting Round Sand Shielded Surrounded Turneth Understand Unpeopled Void Waste Watched Wilderness