Certainly Deal Delight Delighted Desire Dishonored Hast Humbled Humiliated Merchandise Mistreat Money Pleased Pleasure Price Property Sell Slave Treat Tyrannize Wherever Whither Wise Wishes

21:14 If thou have no delight in her - If thou dost not chuse to marry her. Thou shalt not make merchandise of her - Make gain of her, either by using her to thy own servile works, or by prostituting her to the lusts or to the service of others.

21:10-14 By this law a soldier was allowed to marry his captive, if he pleased. This might take place upon some occasions; but the law does not show any approval of it. It also intimates how binding the laws of justice and honour are in marriage; which is a sacred engagement.

Deal Delight Delighted Desire Dishonored Humbled Humiliated Merchandise Mistreat Money Pleased Pleasure Price Property Sell Slave Treat Use Wherever Whither Wise Wishes

Deal Delight Delighted Desire Dishonored Humbled Humiliated Merchandise Mistreat Money Pleased Pleasure Price Property Sell Slave Treat Use Wherever Whither Wise Wishes
