Accept Aside Blind Blindeth Blinds Bribe Cause Decisions Discern Distort Faces Gift Judging Judgment Justice Man's Moved Partial Partiality Persons Pervert Perverteth Perverts Position Respect Rewards Righteous Subverts Turn Twists Upright Wise Wrest

16:19 Wrest judgment - Not give an unjust sentence. A gift doth blind the eyes - Biasseth his mind, that he cannot discern between right and wrong. The words - That is the sentence, of those judges who are used to do righteous things, it makes them give wrong judgment.

16:18-22 Care is taken for the due administration of justice. All personal regards must be laid aside, so that right is done to all, and wrong to none. Care is taken to prevent following the idolatrous customs of the heathen. Nothing belies God more, or tends more to corrupt the minds of men, than representing and worshipping, by an image, that God, who is an almighty and eternal Spirit, present every where. Alas! even in gospel days, and under a better dispensation, established upon better promises, there is a tendency to set up idols, under one form or another, in the human heart.

Accept Blind Blinds Bribe Cause Decisions Distort Eyes Judging Judgment Justice Moved Partial Partiality Persons Pervert Perverts Position Respect Rewards Righteous Show Subverts Turn Twists Upright Wise Words Wrest

Accept Blind Blinds Bribe Cause Decisions Distort Eyes Judging Judgment Justice Moved Partial Partiality Persons Pervert Perverts Position Respect Rewards Righteous Show Subverts Turn Twists Upright Wise Words Wrest