Abound Darius Dwell Dwelling Greatly Increased Language Languages Letter Multiplied Nations Peace Peoples Prosper Throughout Written Wrote

6:25 In all the earth - In all that great empire. It is usual with the Turk, Tartar, Chinese, to arrogate the same universality.

6:25-28 If we live in the fear of God, and walk according to that rule, peace shall be upon us. The kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever, are the Lord's; but many are employed in making known his wonderful works to others, who themselves remain strangers to his saving grace. May we be doers, as well as believers of his word, least at the last we should be found to have deceived ourselves.

Abound Darius Dwell Earth Great Greatly Increased Languages Multiplied Nations Peace Peoples Prosper Throughout Written Wrote

Abound Darius Dwell Earth Great Greatly Increased Languages Multiplied Nations Peace Peoples Prosper Throughout Written Wrote
