Able Arts Astrologers Cause Caused Clear Conjurers Declare Enchanters Explain Inscription Interpretation Magicians Making Matter Message Purpose Reading Secret Sense Shew Thereof Users Wise Writing

5:10-17 Daniel was forgotten at court; he lived privately, and was then ninety years of age. Many consult servants of God on curious questions, or to explain difficult subjects, but without asking the way of salvation, or the path of duty. Daniel slighted the offer of reward. He spoke to Belshazzar as to a condemned criminal. We should despise all the gifts and rewards this world can give, did we see, as we may by faith, its end hastening on; but let us do our duty in the world, and do it all the real service we can.

Able Arts Astrologers Caused Clear Conjurers Declare Enchanters Inscription Interpretation Magicians Making Matter Means Message Purpose Read Reading Secret Sense Shew Show Thereof Users Wise Writing

Able Arts Astrologers Caused Clear Conjurers Declare Enchanters Inscription Interpretation Magicians Making Matter Means Message Purpose Read Reading Secret Sense Shew Show Thereof Users Wise Writing