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2:22 He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what [is] in the darkness, and the {k} light dwelleth with him.
(k) He shows that man has neither wisdom nor knowledge, but very dark blindness and ignorance of himself: for it comes only from God that man understands anything.
2:14-23 Daniel humbly prayed that God would discover to him the king's dream, and the meaning of it. Praying friends are valuable friends; and it well becomes the greatest and best men to desire the prayers of others. Let us show that we value our friends, and their prayers. They were particular in prayer. And whatever we pray for, we can expect nothing but as the gift of God's mercies. God gives us leave in prayer to tell our wants and burdens. Their plea with God was, the peril they were in. The mercy Daniel and his fellows prayed for, was bestowed. The fervent prayers of righteous men avail much. Daniel was thankful to God for making known that to him, which saved the lives of himself and his fellows. How much more should we be thankful to God, for making known the great salvation of the soul to those who are not among the worldly wise and prudent!
Dark Darkness Deep Dwelleth Dwells Dwelt Hidden Light Mysterious Profound Revealeth Revealing Reveals Secret Unveiler
Dark Darkness Deep Dwelleth Dwells Dwelt Hidden Light Mysterious Profound Revealeth Revealing Reveals Secret Unveiler