Ability Able Acquainted Appearance Aptitude Babylonians Blemish Branch Chaldaeans Chaldeans Chalde'ans Competent Countenance Court Cunning Defect Discerning Education Endowed Endued Fair Favoured Good-looking Goodly Handsome Healthy Informed Intelligence Intelligent Kind King's Lads Language Learning Letters Literature Ordered Palace Positions Possessing Qualified Quick Science Serve Serving Showing Skilful Skillful Stand Strong Teach Teaching Tongue Trained Understand Understanding Well-favored Wisdom Writing Youths

1:4 Children in whom [was] no blemish, but well {f} favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as [had] ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the {g} learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.

(f) The King required three things: that they should be of noble birth, that they should be intelligent and learned, and that they should be of a strong and handsome nature, so that they might do him better service. This he did for his own benefit, therefore it is not to praise his liberality: yet in this he is worthy of praise, that he esteemed learning, and knew that it was a necessary means to govern by.

(g) That they might forget their own religion and country fashions to serve him the better to his purpose: yet it is not to be thought that Daniel learned any knowledge that was not godly. In all points he refused the abuse of things and superstition, insomuch that he would not eat the meat which the King appointed him, but was content to learn the knowledge of natural things.

1:4 The learning and the tongue - The Chaldeans were skilled above any other nation, in natural philosophy. Their tongue differed from the Hebrew in dialect and in pronunciation, which they learned that they might be the more acceptable to the king, and court.

1:1-7 Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, in the first year of his reign, took Jerusalem, and carried whom and what he pleased away. From this first captivity, most think the seventy years are to be dated. It is the interest of princes to employ wise men; and it is their wisdom to find out and train up such. Nebuchadnezzar ordered that these chosen youths should be taught. All their Hebrew names had something of God in them; but to make them forget the God of their fathers, the Guide of their youth, the heathen gave them names that savoured of idolatry. It is painful to reflect how often public education tends to corrupt the principles and morals.

Ability Appearance Blemish Chaldeans Children Cunning Discerning Endowed Fair Favoured Good Intelligent King's Learning Palace Science Skilful Skillful Stand Teach Thought Tongue Understanding Well-Favored Wisdom Youths

Ability Appearance Blemish Chaldeans Children Cunning Discerning Endowed Fair Favoured Good Intelligent King's Learning Palace Science Skilful Skillful Stand Teach Thought Tongue Understanding Well-Favored Wisdom Youths