Archippus Archip'pus Carefully Complete Devolving Discharge Duties Fulfil Fulfill Hast Heed Mayest Ministration Ministry Receive Received Servant

4:17 Archippus. He is named in Phm 1:2. He had some important work, and was possibly a preacher.

4:17 And say to Archippus - One of the pastors of that church. Take heed - It is the duty of the flock to try them that say they are apostles to reject the false, and to warn, as well as to receive, the real. The ministry - Not a lordship, but a service; a laborious and painful work; an obligation to do and suffer all things; to be the least, and the servant, of all. In the Lord - Christ by whom, and for whose sake, we receive the various gifts of the Holy Spirit.

4:10-18 Paul had differed with Barnabas, on the account of this Mark, yet he is not only reconciled, but recommends him to the churches; an example of a truly Christian and forgiving spirit. If men have been guilty of a fault, it must not always be remembered against them. We must forget as well as forgive. The apostle had comfort in the communion of saints and ministers. One is his fellow-servant, another his fellow-prisoner, and all his fellow-workers, working out their own salvation, and endeavouring to promote the salvation of others. The effectual, fervent prayer is the prevailing prayer, and availeth much. The smiles, flatteries, or frowns of the world, the spirit of error, or the working of self-love, leads many to a way of preaching and living which comes far short of fulfilling their ministry. But those who preach the same doctrine as Paul, and follow his example, may expect the Divine favour and blessing.

Archippus Archip'pus Carefully Complete Discharge Duties End Fulfil Fulfill Heed Mayest Ministration Ministry Receive Received Servant Work

Archippus Archip'pus Carefully Complete Discharge Duties End Fulfil Fulfill Heed Mayest Ministration Ministry Receive Received Servant Work