Acknowledgement Acknowledgment Advantages Assurance Assured Attain Attaining Certainty Cheered Christ Comforted Complete Encouraged Enjoying Full Gaining God's Heart Hearts Joined Knit Love Mystery Namely Order Reasonable Resulting Riches Secret Themselves Till Truth Understanding United Wealth Welded

2:2 {2} That {b} their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the {c} full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;

(2) He concludes shortly the sum of the former doctrine, that is, that the whole sum of true wisdom, and most secret knowledge of God, consists in Christ alone, and that this is the use of it with regard to men, that they are knit together in love, and rest themselves happily in the knowledge of so great a goodness, until they come to fully enjoy it.

(b) Whom, he never says.

(c) Of that understanding, which brings forth a certain and undoubted persuasion in our minds.

2:2 That their hearts. He was deeply anxious that they might be comforted,... knit together in love, and enjoy the

full assurance of understanding, a clear insight that would lead them to know

the mystery of God. This knowledge would make them proof against the arts of false teachers. For mystery, see notes on Col 1:26,27.

2:2 Unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, unto the acknowledgment of the mystery of God - That is, unto the fullest and clearest understanding and knowledge of the gospel.

2:1-7 The soul prospers when we have clear knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus. When we not only believe with the heart, but are ready, when called, to make confession with the mouth. Knowledge and faith make a soul rich. The stronger our faith, and the warmer our love, the more will our comfort be. The treasures of wisdom are hid, not from us, but for us, in Christ. These were hid from proud unbelievers, but displayed in the person and redemption of Christ. See the danger of enticing words; how many are ruined by the false disguises and fair appearances of evil principles and wicked practices! Be aware and afraid of those who would entice to any evil; for they aim to spoil you. All Christians have, in profession at least, received Jesus Christ the Lord, consented to him, and taken him for theirs. We cannot be built up in Christ, or grow in him, unless we are first rooted in him, or founded upon him. Being established in the faith, we must abound therein, and improve in it more and more. God justly withdraws this benefit from those who do not receive it with thanksgiving; and gratitude for his mercies is justly required by God.

Acknowledgement Acknowledgment Assurance Assured Attain Attaining Certainty Cheered Christ Comforted Complete Encouraged Enjoying Full Gaining God's Heart Hearts Joined Knit Love Mystery Namely Order Purpose Reasonable Resulting Riches Themselves Together True. Truth Understanding United Wealth

Acknowledgement Acknowledgment Assurance Assured Attain Attaining Certainty Cheered Christ Comforted Complete Encouraged Enjoying Full Gaining God's Heart Hearts Joined Knit Love Mystery Namely Order Purpose Reasonable Resulting Riches Themselves Together True. Truth Understanding United Wealth