Accompanied Asking Cause Cease Ceased Clear Desire Discernment Entreat Experience Faith Fill Filled Full Love Making Prayer Praying Purpose Reason Received Request Requests Spirit Spiritual Stopped Thorough Tidings Understanding Wisdom

1:9 For this cause we also, since the day we heard [it], do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of {f} his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;

(f) God's will.

1:9 For this cause. What he had heard, named in Col 1:4-8.

Since the day we heard. He had something which had aroused his solicitude.

That ye may be filled with the knowledge of his will. This would be their best security against false teaching, and an assurance of a faithful life.

In all wisdom and spiritual understanding. The wisdom and understanding conferred by walking as led by the Spirit. See Eph 1:3,8 1Co 12:8.

1:9 We pray for you - This was mentioned in general, Col 1:3, but now more particularly. That ye may be filled with the knowledge of his will - Of his revealed will. In all wisdom - With all the wisdom from above. And spiritual understanding - To discern by that light whatever agrees with, or differs from, his will.

1:9-14 The apostle was constant in prayer, that the believers might be filled with the knowledge of God's will, in all wisdom. Good words will not do without good works. He who undertakes to give strength to his people, is a God of power, and of glorious power. The blessed Spirit is the author of this. In praying for spiritual strength, we are not straitened, or confined in the promises, and should not be so in our hopes and desires. The grace of God in the hearts of believers is the power of God; and there is glory in this power. The special use of this strength was for sufferings. There is work to be done, even when we are suffering. Amidst all their trials they gave thanks to the Father of our Lord Jesus, whose special grace fitted them to partake of the inheritance provided for the saints. To bring about this change, those were made willing subjects of Christ, who were slaves of Satan. All who are designed for heaven hereafter, are prepared for heaven now. Those who have the inheritance of sons, have the education of sons, and the disposition of sons. By faith in Christ they enjoyed this redemption, as the purchase of his atoning blood, whereby forgiveness of sins, and all other spiritual blessings were bestowed. Surely then we shall deem it a favour to be delivered from Satan's kingdom and brought into that of Christ, knowing that all trials will soon end, and that every believer will be found among those who come out of great tribulation.

Accompanied Cause Cease Ceased Clear Desire Discernment End Entreat Experience Faith Fill Filled First Full Heard Love Making Prayer Praying Reason Received Requests Spirit Spiritual Thorough Tidings Understanding Wisdom Word

Accompanied Cause Cease Ceased Clear Desire Discernment End Entreat Experience Faith Fill Filled First Full Heard Love Making Prayer Praying Reason Received Requests Spirit Spiritual Thorough Tidings Understanding Wisdom Word