TRUE Already Glad Gospel Heaven Heavens Hope Laid Love Message News Previously Spring Store Stored Tidings Treasured Truth Whereof

1:5 For the {d} hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel;

(d) For the glory that is hoped for.

1:5 For the hope. He gives thanks for their hope of heaven.

Which is laid up for you in heaven. This suggests that they have a treasure laid up in heaven which they hope to use. Their treasure is above.

Whereof ye heard before. They heard of this hope when the gospel was preached to them.

1:5 Ye heard before - I wrote to you. In the word of truth, of the gospel - The true gospel preached to you.

1:1-8 All true Christians are brethren one to another. Faithfulness runs through every character and relation of the Christian life. Faith, hope, and love, are the three principal graces in the Christian life, and proper matter for prayer and thanksgiving. The more we fix our hopes on the reward in the other world, the more free shall we be in doing good with our earthly treasure. It was treasured up for them, no enemy could deprive them of it. The gospel is the word of truth, and we may safely venture our souls upon it. And all who hear the word of the gospel, ought to bring forth the fruit of the gospel, obey it, and have their principles and lives formed according to it. Worldly love arises, either from views of interest or from likeness in manners; carnal love, from the appetite for pleasure. To these, something corrupt, selfish, and base always cleaves. But Christian love arises from the Holy Spirit, and is full of holiness.

Account Already Faith Glad Good Gospel Heard Heaven Heavens Hope Laid Message News Previously Spring Stored Treasured True. Truth Whereof Word

Account Already Faith Glad Good Gospel Heard Heaven Heavens Hope Laid Message News Previously Spring Stored Treasured True. Truth Whereof Word