Chose Christ Gentile Gentiles Glorious Glory Hope Implied Mystery Nations Pleased Riches Secret Truth Vast Wealth Willed

1:27 To whom God {u} would make known what [is] the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

(u) In this way Paul restrains the curiosity of men.

1:27 To whom God would make known. To the saints he would reveal the glory of the mystery. The glory of the mystery is

Christ in you, the hope of glory. Christ dwelling in the saved and filling their hearts with the hope of glory.

1:27 Christ dwelling and reigning in you, The hope of glory - The ground of your hope.

1:24-29 Both the sufferings of the Head and of the members are called the sufferings of Christ, and make up, as it were, one body of sufferings. But He suffered for the redemption of the church; we suffer on other accounts; for we do but slightly taste that cup of afflictions of which Christ first drank deeply. A Christian may be said to fill up that which remains of the sufferings of Christ, when he takes up his cross, and after the pattern of Christ, bears patiently the afflictions God allots to him. Let us be thankful that God has made known to us mysteries hidden from ages and generations, and has showed the riches of his glory among us. As Christ is preached among us, let us seriously inquire, whether he dwells and reigns in us; for this alone can warrant our assured hope of his glory. We must be faithful to death, through all trials, that we may receive the crown of life, and obtain the end of our faith, the salvation of our souls.

Chose Chosen Christ Gentile Gentiles Glory Great Hope Implied Mystery Nations Pleased Riches Truth Vast Wealth Willed World

Chose Chosen Christ Gentile Gentiles Glory Great Hope Implied Mystery Nations Pleased Riches Truth Vast Wealth Willed World