Affirmation Behold Crusher Cutting Declares Dissolved Drip Drop Dropping Dropt Flow Grain Grapes Hills Juice Melt Mountains Nigh Overtake Overtaken Planter Planting Ploughman Plowman Reaper Says Scatterer Seed Soweth Sows Streams Sweet Treader Treading Wine

9:13 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that the plowman shall {l} overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall {m} drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt.

(l) Signifying, that there will be great abundance of all things, so that when one type of fruit is ripe, another would follow, and every one in order; Le 26:5.

(m) Read Joe 3:18.

9:13 Behold the days come - Here is another promise literally of abundant plenty to the returned captives, and mystically of abundant grace poured forth in gospel - days. The plowman - Who breaks up the ground, and prepares it for sowing, shall be ready to tread on the heels of the reaper who shall have a harvest so large, that before he can gather it all in, it shall be time to plow the ground again. The treader of grapes - So great shall their vintage be that e'er the treaders of grapes can have finished their work, the seeds - man shall be sowing his seed against the next season. Shall drop - The vineyards shall be so fruitful, and new wine so plentiful as if it ran down from the mountains. Shall melt - Or, as if whole hills were melted into such liquors. If any object, it never was so: I answer, the sins of the returned captives prevented these blessings, which are promised under a tacit condition.

9:11-15 Christ died to gather together the children of God that were scattered abroad, here said to be those who were called by his name. The Lord saith this, who doeth this, who can do it, who has determined to do it, the power of whose grace is engaged for doing it. Verses 13-15 may refer to the early times of Christianity, but will receive a more glorious fulfilment in the events which all the prophets more or less foretold, and may be understood of the happy state when the fulness both of the Jews and the Gentiles come into the church. Let us continue earnest in prayer for the fulfilment of these prophecies, in the peace, purity, and the beauty of the church. God marvellously preserves his elect amidst the most fearful confusions and miseries. When all seems desperate, he wonderfully revives his church, and blesses her with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. And great shall be the glory of that period, in which not one good thing promised shall remain unfulfilled.

Crusher Cutting Declares Drip Drop Dropping Flow Grain Grapes Hills Melt Mountains Overtake Planting Ploughman Plowman Reaper Seed Soweth Sows Sweet Treader Treading Turned Wine

Crusher Cutting Declares Drip Drop Dropping Flow Grain Grapes Hills Melt Mountains Overtake Planting Ploughman Plowman Reaper Seed Soweth Sows Sweet Treader Treading Turned Wine