Anyone Asks Bodies Body Bones Bring Burn Burner Burneth Burning Burns Carries Carry Forth Hiding Hold Hush Indeed Inmost Inner Innermost Kinsman Lift Lifted Lifting Loved Man's Mention Mentioned Named None One's Peace Quiet Relation Relative Responsible Save Says Sides Silence Tongue Uncle Undertaker Yet

6:10 And a man's uncle {k} shall take him up, and he that burneth him, to bring out the bones out of the house, and shall say unto him that [is] by the {l} sides of the house, [Is there] yet [any] with thee? and he shall say, No. Then shall he say, {m} Hold thy tongue: for we may not make mention of the name of the LORD.

(k) The destruction will be so great, that almost none will be left to bury the dead: and therefore they will burn them at home, to carry out the burnt ashes with more ease.

(l) That is, to some neighbour that dwells near by.

(m) They will be so astonished at this destruction, that they will not boast any more of the name of God, and that they are his people: but they will be silent when they hear God's name, and abhor it, as those that are desperate, or reprobate.

6:10 Uncle - Or near kinsman, instead of those who were wont to do this, and were paid for it; but now none of these remaining, the next to the dead must, as well as he is able, take him up on his shoulders, and carry him. That burneth - Though the Jews mostly buried, yet in some cases they burned the dead bodies, as in this of pestilence. The bones - The flesh being consumed, the bones are reserved to be buried. Unto him - Any one he sees near the house out of which the bones are carried. Is there yet any - Is any one living in your house. Hold thy tongue - Do not complain, lest thou thyself be killed, lest all be rifled. For - It is too late to seek God, who is executing his immutable decree.

6:8-14 How dreadful, how miserable, is the case of those whose eternal ruin the Lord himself has sworn; for he can execute his purpose, and none can alter it! Those hearts are wretchedly hardened that will not be brought to mention God's name, and to worship him, when the hand of God is gone out against them, when sickness and death are in their families. Those that will not be tilled as fields, shall be abandoned as rocks. When our services of God are soured with sin, his providences will justly be made bitter to us. Men should take warning not to harden their hearts, for those who walk in pride, God will destroy.

Bodies Bones Burneth Burns Carries Carry Hold House Hush Indeed Innermost Lift Mention One's Part Parts Peace Relative Sides Uncle

Bodies Bones Burneth Burns Carries Carry Hold House Hush Indeed Innermost Lift Mention One's Part Parts Peace Relative Sides Uncle