Beasts Bring Desert Forty Grain Meal Nigh O Oblations Offered Offering Offerings Present Sacrifices Waste Wilderness

5:25 Have ye - Their fathers and they, tho' at so great a distance of time, are one people, and so the prophet considers them. Unto me - Was it to me, or to your idols, that you offered, even in the wilderness?

5:18-27 Woe unto those that desire the day of the Lord's judgments, that wish for times of war and confusion; as some who long for changes, hoping to rise upon the ruins of their country! but this should be so great a desolation, that nobody could gain by it. The day of the Lord will be a dark, dismal, gloomy day to all impenitent sinners. When God makes a day dark, all the world cannot make it light. Those who are not reformed by the judgments of God, will be pursued by them; if they escape one, another stands ready to seize them. A pretence of piety is double iniquity, and so it will be found. The people of Israel copied the crimes of their forefathers. The law of worshipping the Lord our God, is, Him only we must serve. Professors thrive so little, because they have little or no communion with God in their duties. They were led captive by Satan into idolatry, therefore God caused them to go into captivity among idolaters.

Beasts Desert Forty Grain House Israel Meal Nigh Oblations Offered Offering Offerings Present Sacrifices Waste Wilderness

Beasts Desert Forty Grain House Israel Meal Nigh Oblations Offered Offering Offerings Present Sacrifices Waste Wilderness