Afflicted Aside Crushing Damsel Deny Dust Gentle Girl Ground Heads Helpless Holy Humble Justice Maid Maiden Meek Oppressed Order Pant Panting Pollute Poor Profane Profaned Putting Resort Shame Steps Trample Turn Turning

2:7 That pant after the {e} dust of the earth on the head of the poor, and turn aside the way of the meek: and a man and his father will go in unto the [same] maid, to profane my holy name:

(e) When they have robbed him and thrown him to the ground, they open wide their mouths for his life.

2:7 The people - That make a prey even of the poor afflicted ones, who walk with dust on their heads. Turn aside - Maliciously interpret the actions, words, and designs of the humble and meek. Will go in - These corrupt judges commit also that lewdness which the Heathens abhor.

2:1-8 The evil passions of the heart break out in various forms; but the Lord looks to our motives, as well as our conduct. Those that deal cruelly, shall be cruelly dealt with. Other nations were reckoned with for injuries done to men; Judah is reckoned with for dishonour done to God. Judah despised the law of the Lord; and he justly gave them up to strong delusion; nor was it any excuse for their sin, that they were the lies, the idols, after which their fathers walked. The worst abominations and most grievous oppressions have been committed by some of the professed worshippers of the Lord. Such conduct leads many to unbelief and vile idolatry.

Afflicted Crushing Deny Dust Earth Gentle Girl Head Heads Helpless Holy Humble Justice Maid Maiden Meek Oppressed Pant Poor Profane Profaned Putting Steps Trample Turn Turning Use Way Young

Afflicted Crushing Deny Dust Earth Gentle Girl Head Heads Helpless Holy Humble Justice Maid Maiden Meek Oppressed Pant Poor Profane Profaned Putting Steps Trample Turn Turning Use Way Young