Antioch Apostles Believers Brethren Brothers Cilicia Cili'cia Elder Elders Gentile Gentiles Greeting Greetings Joy Letter Letters Manner Nations Older Saying Syria Throughout Thus Written Wrote

15:23 They wrote [letters]. A letter. Luke gives it, I suppose, verbatim.

[Send] greeting. Observe that the greeting is not only from the apostles and elders, but from the church.

15:23 Writing thus, and sending it by their hand - The whole conduct of this affair plainly shows that the Church in those days had no conception of St. Peter's primacy, or of his being the chief judge in controversies. For the decree is drawn up, not according to his, but the Apostle James's proposal and direction: and that in the name, not of St. Peter, but of all the apostles and elders, and of the whole Church. Nay, St. Peter's name is not mentioned at all, either in the order for sending to Jerusalem on the question, Acts 15:2, or in the address of the messengers concerning it, Acts 15:4, or in the letter which was written in answer.

15:22-35 Being warranted to declare themselves directed by the immediate influence of the Holy Ghost, the apostles and disciples were assured that it seemed good unto God the Holy Spirit, as well as to them, to lay upon the converts no other burden than the things before mentioned, which were necessary, either on their own account, or from present circumstances. It was a comfort to hear that carnal ordinances were no longer imposed on them, which perplexed the conscience, but could not purify or pacify it; and that those who troubled their minds were silenced, so that the peace of the church was restored, and that which threatened division was removed. All this was consolation for which they blessed God. Many others were at Antioch. Where many labour in the word and doctrine, yet there may be opportunity for us: the zeal and usefulness of others should stir us up, not lay us asleep.

Antioch Apostles Cilicia Cili'cia Elder Elders Following Gentile Gentiles Greeting Greetings Hand Joy Letters Manner Nations Older Syria Throughout Written Wrote

Antioch Apostles Cilicia Cili'cia Elder Elders Following Gentile Gentiles Greeting Greetings Hand Joy Letters Manner Nations Older Syria Throughout Written Wrote