Afoot Assault Attack Attempt Despitefully Gentiles Hostile Ill Jews Leaders Magistrates Making Maltreat Mistreat Molest Movement Nations Onset Purpose Rulers Sanction Shamefully Stone Stoned Treat Violent

14:5 There was an assault made. Hardly an assault, so much as a movement to make one. The Greek term horme implies a sudden movement. The attempt was avoided by the preachers receiving information and escaping from the city. In this effort there was concert of action between the Gentiles and Jews, the rulers of the synagogue joining, and the purpose was murderous. Paul says, Once was I stoned (2Co 11:25). That stoning was at Lystra (Ac 14:19). There was an attempt to stone at Iconium, but not a stone was thrown.

14:1-7 The apostles spake so plainly, with such evidence and proof of the Spirit, and with such power; so warmly, and with such concern for the souls of men; that those who heard them could not but say, God was with them of a truth. Yet the success was not to be reckoned to the manner of their preaching, but to the Spirit of God who used that means. Perseverance in doing good, amidst dangers and hardships, is a blessed evidence of grace. Wherever God's servants are driven, they should seek to declare the truth. When they went on in Christ's name and strength, he failed not to give testimony to the word of his grace. He has assured us it is the word of God, and that we may venture our souls upon it. The Gentiles and Jews were at enmity with one another, yet united against Christians. If the church's enemies join to destroy it, shall not its friends unite for its preservation? God has a shelter for his people in a storm; he is, and will be their Hiding-place. In times of persecution, believers may see cause to quit a spot, though they do not quit their Master's work.

Afoot Assault Attack Attempt Despitefully Gentiles Hostile Ill Jews Leaders Magistrates Making Mistreat Molest Plot Rulers Sanction Shamefully Stone Stoned Together Treat Use Violent

Afoot Assault Attack Attempt Despitefully Gentiles Hostile Ill Jews Leaders Magistrates Making Mistreat Molest Plot Rulers Sanction Shamefully Stone Stoned Together Treat Use Violent