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2:16 {f} But shun profane [and] vain babblings: {10} for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

(f) Mark and watch, and see that they do not creep on further.

(10) He reveals the subtilty of Satan, who beginning with these principles, draws us by little and little to ungodliness through the means of that wicked and profane babbling, which gradually increases. And this he proves by the horrible example of those that taught that the resurrection was already past.

2:16 But shun. Preach the truth. Shun foolish speculations.

Profane. Unholy.

2:16 They - Who babble thus will grow worse and worse.

2:14-21 Those disposed to strive, commonly strive about matters of small moment. But strifes of words destroy the things of God. The apostle mentions some who erred. They did not deny the resurrection, but they corrupted that true doctrine. Yet nothing can be so foolish or erroneous, but it will overturn the temporary faith of some professors. This foundation has two writings on it. One speaks our comfort. None can overthrow the faith of any whom God hath chosen. The other speaks our duty. Those who would have the comfort of the privilege, must make conscience of the duty Christ gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, Tit 2:14. The church of Christ is like a dwelling: some furniture is of great value; some of smaller value, and put to meaner uses. Some professors of religion are like vessels of wood and earth. When the vessels of dishonour are cast out to be destroyed, the others will be filled with all the fulness of God. We must see to it that we are holy vessels. Every one in the church whom God approves, will be devoted to his Master's service, and thus fitted for his use.

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Advance Aloof Avoid Babblings Bad Chatter Empty Evil Farther Foolish Frivolous Further Godless Greater Hold Impiety Increase Indulge Irreligious Lead Part Proceed Profane Shun Stand Talk Ungodliness Vain Worldly Worse Wrong