Assembling Beg Beseech Brethren Brothers Christ Desire Entreat Gathered Gathering Meet Meeting Presence Regard Request Respect Touching

2:1 Now {1} we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and [by] our {a} gathering together unto him,

(1) The second part of the epistle, containing an excellent prophecy of the state of the Church, which will be from the apostles time to the latter day of judgment.

(a) If we think earnestly upon that unmeasurable glory which we will be partakers of with Christ, it will be an excellent remedy for us against wavering and impatience, so that neither the glistening of the world will allure us, nor the dreadful sight of the cross dismay us.

2:1 The Man of Sin


Not to Be Troubled Supposing the Day of the Lord at Hand. An Apostasy Must First Come. Then the Revelation of the Man of Sin. The Wicked One Destroyed at the Lord's Coming. Exhortation to Stand Fast.

Now, we beseech you, brethren. This chapter is written to remove misapprehension on the subject of the Lord's coming. It shows that it might not be expected until certain events have taken place. These are, (1) A falling away, or apostasy; (2) The removal of some power which hindered the manifestation of the man of sin; (3) The manifestation of the man of sin, and following this, the coming of the Lord. He had told them of these things while with them (2Th 2:5), but now writes more fully. He does not seek to show all, but some of the events which will precede Christ's coming.

By the coming. Rather, concerning the coming. His importunity is respecting this and the gathering of the saints.

2:1 Our gathering together to him - In the clouds.

2:1-4 If errors arise among Christians, we should set them right; and good men will be careful to suppress errors which rise from mistaking their words and actions. We have a cunning adversary, who watches to do mischief, and will promote errors, even by the words of Scripture. Whatever uncertainty we are in, or whatever mistakes may arise about the time of Christ's coming, that coming itself is certain. This has been the faith and hope of all Christians, in all ages of the church; it was the faith and hope of the Old Testament saints. All believers shall be gathered together to Christ, to be with him, and to be happy in his presence for ever. We should firmly believe the second coming of Christ; but there was danger lest the Thessalonians, being mistaken as to the time, should question the truth or certainty of the thing itself. False doctrines are like the winds that toss the water to and fro; and they unsettle the minds of men, which are as unstable as water. It is enough for us to know that our Lord will come, and will gather all his saints unto him. A reason why they should not expect the coming of Christ, as at hand, is given. There would be a general falling away first, such as would occasion the rise of antichrist, that man of sin. There have been great disputes who or what is intended by this man of sin and son of perdition. The man of sin not only practises wickedness, but also promotes and commands sin and wickedness in others; and is the son of perdition, because he is devoted to certain destruction, and is the instrument to destroy many others, both in soul and body. As God was in the temple of old, and worshipped there, and is in and with his church now; so the antichrist here mentioned, is a usurper of God's authority in the Christian church, who claims Divine honours.

Assembling Beg Beseech Christ Desire Entreat Gathered Gathering Jesus Meet Meeting Presence Regard Request Respect Together

Assembling Beg Beseech Christ Desire Entreat Gathered Gathering Jesus Meet Meeting Presence Regard Request Respect Together