Adversity Answereth Baanah Ba'anah Beerothite Be-er'othite Brother David Delivered Distress Kept Recab Rechab Redeemed Rimmon Safe Sons Soul Surely Trouble

4:8-12 A person may be glad to obtain his just wishes, and yet really regret the means by which he receives them. He may be sorry for the death of a person by which he is a gainer. These men shed innocent blood, from the basest motives. David justly executed vengeance upon them. He would not be beholden to any to help him by unlawful practices. God had helped him over many a difficulty, and through many a danger, therefore he depended upon him to crown and complete his own work. He speaks of his redemption from all adversity, as a thing done; though he had many storms yet before him, he knew that He who had delivered, would deliver.

Adversity Baanah Ba'anah Beerothite Be-Er'othite David Delivered Distress Kept Life Recab Rechab Redeemed Rimmon Safe Soul Surely

Adversity Baanah Ba'anah Beerothite Be-Er'othite David Delivered Distress Kept Life Recab Rechab Redeemed Rimmon Safe Soul Surely