Age Agee Ararite Banded Bit Collected Company Ela Field Fled Flight Full Gathered Ground Hararite Har'arite Israel's Lehi Lentiles Lentils Philistines Piece Plot Portion Presence Seed Shammah Troop Troops

23:11 Lentiles - Or barley, as it is 1Chron 11:13. For both might grow in the same field, in divers parts of it. And this fact is ascribed to Eleazar, 1Chron 11:12, but it is implied, that he had some partner or partners in it; for it is there said, 1Chr 11:14 they set themselves, and c. So Eleazar might fight in that part where the barley was and Shammah where the lentiles were.

23:8-39 David once earnestly longed for the water at the well of Bethlehem. It seems to be an instance of weakness. He was thirsty; with the water of that well he had often refreshed himself when a youth, and it was without due thought that he desired it. Were his valiant men so forward to expose themselves, upon the least hint of their prince's mind, and so eager to please him, and shall not we long to approve ourselves to our Lord Jesus, by ready compliance with his will, as shown us by his word, Spirit, and providence? But David poured out the water as a drink-offering to the Lord. Thus he would cross his own foolish fancy, and punish himself for indulging it, and show that he had sober thoughts to correct his rash ones, and knew how to deny himself. Did David look upon that water as very precious which was got at the hazard of these men's blood, and shall not we much more value those benefits for purchasing which our blessed Saviour shed his blood? Let all beware of neglecting so great salvation.

Age Ararite Banded Bit Collected Company Ela Field Fled Full Gathered Ground Hararite Har'arite Israel's Lentils Philistines Piece Plot Presence Seed Shammah Together Troop Troops

Age Ararite Banded Bit Collected Company Ela Field Fled Full Gathered Ground Hararite Har'arite Israel's Lentils Philistines Piece Plot Presence Seed Shammah Together Troop Troops