Abishai Abi'shai Amasa Ama'sa Belly Bichri Bicri Blow Body Bowels Brother Dagger Danger Didn't Died Dieth Fifth Groin Ground Guard Heed Inside Intestines Inward Joab Jo'ab Joab's Jo'ab's Notice Observe Plunged Poured Pursued Repeated Rib Sheba Shed Sheddeth Smiteth Smote Spilled Stabbed Stomach Strike Striking Struck Sword Therewith Watchful

20:10 The sword - Which falling out, as it seemed, casually, he supposed that Joab intended only to put it into its scabbard, and therefore took no care to defend himself against the stroke. So Joab - Who now boldly resumed his former place, and marched in the head of the army. It is not strange, that Amasa's soldiers did not fight to revenge his death; partly, because not many of them were yet come up, as the following verse s shew; and partly, because Joab's interest and authority with the military - men was very great; especially, with David's guards, who were here present, and who had no kindness for Amasa, as having been the general of the rebellious army; and, as they might think, not fit to be put into a place of so great trust.

20:4-13 Joab barbarously murdered Amasa. The more plot there is in a sin, the worse it is. Joab contentedly sacrificed the interest both of the king and the kingdom to his personal revenge. But one would wonder with what face a murderer could pursue a traitor; and how, under such a load of guilt, he had courage to enter upon danger: his conscience was seared.

Abishai Amasa Bichri Body Bowels Died Fifth Groin Ground Hand Heed Joab Joab's Pursued Rib Sheba Shed Smote Strike Struck Sword Therewith

Abishai Amasa Bichri Body Bowels Died Fifth Groin Ground Hand Heed Joab Joab's Pursued Rib Sheba Shed Smote Strike Struck Sword Therewith