Arrived Asahel As'ahel Asahel's Bethlehem Beth-lehem Body Brake Break Broke Buried Bury Burying-place Dawn Dawned Daybreak Father's Hebron Joab Jo'ab Lift Marched Resting-place Sepulcher Sepulchre Tomb Travelling

2:32 In Bethlehem - The rest they buried in the field of battle, but Asahel in the sepulchre of his father. Thus are distinctions made upon earth, even between the dust of some and of others! But in the resurrection no difference will be made but between good and bad; which will remain for ever.

2:25-32 Abner appeals to Joab concerning the miserable consequences of a civil war. Those who make light of such unnatural contests, will find that they are bitterness to all concerned. How easy it is for men to use reason, when it makes for them, who would not use it, if it made against them! See how the issue of things alter men's minds! The same thing which looked pleasant in the morning, at night looked dismal. Those who are most forward to enter into contention, will repent before they have done with it, and had better leave it off before it be meddled with, as Solomon advises. This is true of every sin, oh that men would consider it in time, that it will be bitterness in the latter end! Asahel's funeral is here mentioned. Distinctions are made between the dust of some and that of others; but in the resurrection no difference will be made, but between the godly and ungodly, which will remain for ever.

Arrived Asahel As'ahel Bethlehem Beth-Lehem Body Brake Break Broke Buried Bury Burying-Place Dawn Dawned Daybreak Father's Hebron Joab Jo'ab Last Marched Night Resting-Place Sepulcher Sepulchre Tomb Travelling

Arrived Asahel As'ahel Bethlehem Beth-Lehem Body Brake Break Broke Buried Bury Burying-Place Dawn Dawned Daybreak Father's Hebron Joab Jo'ab Last Marched Night Resting-Place Sepulcher Sepulchre Tomb Travelling