David David's Face Facing Gibeon Group Joab Jo'ab Meet Met Opposite Pool Position Sat Servants Sides Sit Zeruiah Zeru'iah

2:13 Met - That is, met the opposite army, and put themselves in a posture for battle.

2:8-17. The nation in general refused David. By this the Lord trained up his servant for future honour and usefulness; and the tendency of true godliness was shown in his behaviour while passing through various difficulties. David was herein a type of Christ, whom Israel would not submit to, though anointed of the Father to be a Prince and a Saviour to them. Abner meant, Let the young men fight before us, when he said, Let them play before us: fools thus make a mock at sin. But he is unworthy the name of a man, that can thus trifle with human blood.

David David's Face Facing Gibeon Group Joab Jo'ab Met Opposite Pool Position Sat Servants Side Together Zeruiah

David David's Face Facing Gibeon Group Joab Jo'ab Met Opposite Pool Position Sat Servants Side Together Zeruiah
