Arise Befallen Befell Calamities Comfort Comfortably Consolingly Earliest Evil Forth Heart Kind Kindly Lodge Nightfall Oath Overtaken Pass Rise Servants Speak Stay Surely Swear Sworn Tarry Till Tonight To-night Worse Youth

19:1-8 To continue to lament for so bad a son as Absalom, was very unwise, and very unworthy. Joab censures David, but not with proper respect and deference to his sovereign. A plain case may be fairly pleaded with those above us, and they may be reproved for what they do amiss, but it must not be with rudeness and insolence. Yet David took the reproof and the counsel, prudently and mildly. Timely giving way, usually prevents the ill effects of mistaken measures.

Arise Befallen Befell Comfortably Evil Forth Heart Kindly Night Servants Speak Surely Swear Tarry Worse Youth

Arise Befallen Befell Comfortably Evil Forth Heart Kindly Night Servants Speak Surely Swear Tarry Worse Youth