Angry Anything Close Closely Cost Displeased Eaten Expense Gift Judah Kin King's Lifted Matter Offering Ourselves Present Provisions Related Relation Relative Substance Wherefore

19:42 Of kin - Of the same tribe with us, and therefore both oweth the more respect to us, and might expect more respect from us. Gifts - We have neither sought nor gained any advantage to ourselves hereby, but only discharged our duty to the king, and used all expedition in bringing him back, which you also should have done, and not have come in by halves, and so coldly as you have done.

19:40-43 The men of Israel though themselves despised, and the fiercer words of the men of Judah produced very bad effects. Much evil might be avoided, if men would watch against pride, and remember that a soft answer turneth away wrath. Though we have right and reason on our side, if we speak it with fierceness, God is displeased.

Angry Close Cost Eaten Gift Israel Judah Kin King's Matter Relative Wherefore

Angry Close Cost Eaten Gift Israel Judah Kin King's Matter Relative Wherefore