Along Benjamin Benjamites Fifteen Forded Household Jordan Presence Prosperously Rushed Rushing Saul Saul's Servant Servants Sons Steward Thousand Twenty Ziba

19:17 With him - Whom he brought, partly to shew his interest in the people, and partly, as intercessors on his behalf, and as witnesses of David's clemency or severity, that in him they might see what the rest of them might expect. Ziba - Who, being conscious of his former abuse of David, and of his master Mephibosheth, which he knew the king would understand, designed to sweeten David's spirit towards him, by forwardness in meeting him.

19:16-23 Those who now slight and abuse the Son of David, would be glad to make their peace when he shall come in his glory; but it will be too late. Shimei lost no time. His abuse had been personal, and with the usual right feeling of good men, David could more easily forgive it.

Benjamin Benjamites Fifteen Forded House Household Jordan Presence Rushed Rushing Saul Saul's Servant Servants Steward Thousand Twenty Ziba

Benjamin Benjamites Fifteen Forded House Household Jordan Presence Rushed Rushing Saul Saul's Servant Servants Steward Thousand Twenty Ziba