Absalom Ab'salom Absalom's Attack Behold Cave Caves Certainly Commencement Cover Destruction Fall Fallen Falling Falls Follow Hearer Heareth Hearing Hears Hid Hidden Hole Overcome Overthrown Pass Pit Pits Places Secret Slaughter Troops

17:9 Pit - Having been often accustomed to that course, and well acquainted with in all hiding - places from Saul's time. In one of them, unknown to us, he will lurk with some of his chosen men, and lie in ambush for us; and, when they see a fit opportunity, they will suddenly come forth and surprize some of our men, when they least expect it, and probably at first put them to flight. Some - Namely, of Absalom's men sent against David. At the first - Implying, that their good success at first would mightily animate David's men to proceed vigorously in the fight, and intimidate Absalom's army, and consequently would be both a presage and an occasion of their total defeat.

17:1-21 Here was a wonderful effect of Divine Providence blinding Absalom's mind and influencing his heart, that he could not rest in Ahithophel's counsel, and that he should desire Hushai's advice. But there is no contending with that God who can arm a man against himself, and destroy him by his own mistakes and passions. Ahithophel's former counsel was followed, for God intended to correct David; but his latter counsel was not followed, for God meant not to destroy him. He can overrule all counsels. Whatever wisdom or help any man employs or affords, the success is from God alone, who will not let his people perish.

Absalom Ab'salom Attack Cave Caves Fall Fallen Falls First Follow Heareth Hears Hid Hidden Overthrown Pit Slaughter Troops

Absalom Ab'salom Attack Cave Caves Fall Fallen Falls First Follow Heareth Hears Hid Hidden Overthrown Pit Slaughter Troops